June meant Beth's birthday...which meant.....PARTY! We had planned on making this an eventful day weeks before, so when the time finally came, we were totally ready. She had a luau, with plenty of food and friends and good music. Beth's friend had even made her cupcakes with graham cracker sand and a little sandal on top of each! We had a pool filled with noodles as well, and you can imagine how much fun a bunch of unsupervised college students. The noodle battle ensued! Afterwards Beth, Emily and I headed over to Applebees for some real food, complete with a good drink in a FuN glass!
woes over all-you-can-eat pizza, pasta and salad. Oh the JoY of the buffet! While at dinner I turned to Beth and asked, "So...how do you feel about buying clothes at D.I. and a couple of sheets and making body art with paint!?" The answer came in the form of an expression filled with complete shock and overwhelming excitement. That meant we were a go. So we wandered around D.I. trying to find something that we each could wear. In the end we each found something we couldn't leave without...but loved too much to get paint on! We got the clothes situation worked out, though, and made our way around Walmart-another happy place. And then..............IT WAS PAINT TIME! I had bought us each a cheap watergun which we filled with paint. We had an absolutely amazing time! I'm going to miss that kid!
In July my old FHE brother, Daniel, came to visit Rexburg before leaving for his mission. I'm pleased to say that Beth and I were indeed his first and biggest priority...really, would it be any other way? After stalking our other FHE brother Oscar, who had lived with Daniel, we all went out to dinner at our old favorite restaurant, Craigos. We call it our safe place and spill out our
woes over all-you-can-eat pizza, pasta and salad. Oh the JoY of the buffet! While at dinner I turned to Beth and asked, "So...how do you feel about buying clothes at D.I. and a couple of sheets and making body art with paint!?" The answer came in the form of an expression filled with complete shock and overwhelming excitement. That meant we were a go. So we wandered around D.I. trying to find something that we each could wear. In the end we each found something we couldn't leave without...but loved too much to get paint on! We got the clothes situation worked out, though, and made our way around Walmart-another happy place. And then..............IT WAS PAINT TIME! I had bought us each a cheap watergun which we filled with paint. We had an absolutely amazing time! I'm going to miss that kid!